Elevate Your Cheese Experience: Guide to Cheese & Wine Pairings
Cheese. It’s the one thing that we love just as much (sometimes more) than chocolate and coffee. It can be creamy, sharp, soft, hard, smokey, nutty, smooth, delicate, buttery and more. It excites the tastebuds and delights the senses. But what if I told you that it could taste so much better, just by simply pairing it with the perfect wine.
Like cheese has different flavours, aromas and textures - so does wine. And when cheese and wine with similar flavour profiles are had together, it is a magical union. Picture Remi from Ratatouille when he combines the strawberry and cheese together and the flavours dance around on his tastebuds. That’s what would be happening to you. A flavour party in your mouth.
Remi from Ratatouille eating cheese and strawberries
So let’s get straight to the point of this blog post. The reason you’re all here:
Our Simple Wine & Cheese Pairing Guide.
More pairings below image.
Fiano - Fiano has herbaceous notes and is complex in flavour, so it would pair perfectly with cheeses that have fruits and herbs in them. Look for dill, honey, apricot and thyme flavours.
Nero D’Avola - Nero, while similar to Shiraz, needs a soft creamy cheese. Think camembert, brie and fresh mozarella.
Riesling (dry) - because of the high acidity of this wine style, pair this with goats cheese. They balance each other perfectly.
Riesling (sweet) - to balance the sweetness of the wine, you need to pick a salty cheese like gorgonzola, aged gouda and parmesan.
Sangiovese - this beautiful Italian red needs something bold like a Tuscan Pecorino. But it also pairs well with Italian varieties of cheese, like mozarella and gorgonzola.
If there was a wine and cheese pairing we missed, or if there was a wine and food pairing guide you wanted to see in a future post, leave us a comment below. See you next time!