Dynasty of Tea - Assam (Black Tea) Tea Bags

Dynasty of Tea - Assam (Black Tea) Tea Bags


Assam black tea has a malty, rich body and light coppery liquor. Its tart and spicy flavour makes it the perfect drink to brighten your day. While beautiful on its own, add a dash of milk or brown sugar to elevate its taste and change your tea drinking experience. This tea is a must have staple for every pantry.

What you get

Pyramid tea bags (x20)

The health benefits

Like most black tea blends, it is full of antioxidants, promotes blood circulation and bone strength.

Dynasty of Tea love their tea bags because

  • 100% compostable

  • Made from corn fibre

  • Pyramid shaped for a better brewing experience

  • Contains same high quality tea they use in their loose leaf


Water temperature: 90-100 degrees

Amount:1 teabag per 250 mL water

Steeping time: 3-5 minutes

Approx. refills: 2-3 times

Serving suggestion: Drink hot

Ingredients: black tea

Grown in India

About the business

Dynasty of Tea is our sister company + tea adventure. We created it in 2018 because we love drinking tea just as much as we love wine.

Like wine, tea has unique flavour profiles, tannins and the terrior and the making are critical. The only difference is that tea doesn't make you tipsy, well, unless it's a long island.

On the Dynasty of Tea website you’ll find the online shop, beautiful tea ware and tea blog filled with everything you will ever want or need to know about tea.

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